Sep 24, 2007

Save The Date - Next Event in OC on Oct 17th

Thanks to those who made time for us at the ASR Tradeshow. We realize how hectic
it is and how exhausting a day on the floor can be. So, we extra-appreciate those
of you who made the effort to stop by and say hello. Also, we have to give huge
props to our friends from Red Bull -Eddie, Keith and Holly-who hooked us up with the venue and Verizon Wireless for underwriting the event.

UPCOMING GROUP Y EVENT - Oct 17th in San Clemente

We will be back at the OC Tavern on Wednesday, October 17th for our 2nd Industry Panel Discussion. We are in the process of confirming panelists, and our topic is "Action Sports and Mainstream Business: Culture Clash or Clever Combination?" As the name implies, we'll examine successful marketing/communications alliances between action sports companies and
the larger business world.

Please look for the official invite in your inbox the first week of October. In
the meantime, if you have specific questions you'd like addressed, please send them
to for consideration us at


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