Jun 20, 2007

group Y & Website Rules

1. Please be respectful of other members. This is a place for open conversation and communication. Please play nice.

2. group Y and our Website are NOT vehicles to pitch and/or sell your services. While we are very interested in what you do and what your opinions are on all things marketing & communications, this is a neutral environment. If you have formed a work-related connection with and/or are making deals with another member, please conduct business in private and NOT on the website and/or at meetings. If anyone is observed or reported to be pitching or selling in an inappropriate manner you will be asked to leave the group.

3. Please do refer friends, neighbors and colleagues whom meet our requirements and you think would be beneficial to our group. If you are unclear on the requirements, please feel free to ask us (groupynetwork@gmail.com)!

4. We want this to be a dynamic and enjoyable environment. Please let us know your opinions on what we can do to make this a full experience for our members. We are pretty much as new at this as you are, so feel free to contribute as much as you like. Who knows where this will lead, we’re happy to have you along for the ride!


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